UGH! ONE WORD...That sums up what word I WANT to express how I really feel about Dead Beat Dads.
(Yes I know their are Dead Beat Moms also, But today I will focus on these MEN. Well they are not REAL men but we will call them that for now.
I can't fathom how so many of these men can just drop their kids. Or get a woman pregnant to never speak to her again. Or tell a child they are coming and never show (this is the worst).
Since the day I became pregnant I was a mother. My husband was a father. It did not start when my child was born. It did not start on my child's first birthday. Us being parents started the very day I put urine on a stick and saw 2 lines.
You have to be a pretty big piece of poop to NOT want to see your child. Think of all the sweet moments that are missed. The cuddly, precious smiles. Yes I know there are poopy diapers and spit up along the way but those moments are easily forgotten when you hear a "Ma-Ma".
How can any man not stake claim on their child?
How can not support your child with Love unconditionally?
How can you do this to your child's mother?
She was good enough for you to lay up with. I DON"T CARE anything about the relationship with the mother. If she has YOUR child you respect her and get along with her for your child. SUCK IT UP. GET ALONG. SHOW LOVE and try, try, try to give your child a great life.
The statistics are true. Sadly, they are. Girls without fathers will seek that love from the WRONG MEN.
Boys without fathers will rebel and go down the wrong road. (I know that this doesn't always happen, but in most cases.)
When my kids tell me stories, I can usually automatically figure out that the child they are telling the story about doesn't have a father at home.
Be a father that your son can be proud of. You should see the way MY SON looks at HIS FATHER. His father teaches him daily. My 8 year old son will hold the door for any woman. Because his dad has taught him. He can build ramps for his hot wheels...because his dad taught him.
You are a statistic if you are a Dead Beat.
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